These are the skinned animals I saw in Soroca a few days before Easter. I saw them in the distance and knew I needed a picture but was too afraid to really look so I blurred my eyes and took it...Now I'm seeing it for the first time and I'm glad I didn't look in person.

In Moldova, Easter starts at 10pm the night before. Everyone goes to the cemetery and lights candles on their loved ones' graves. The pastor comes out at midnight and everyone, while holding candles, marches around the church several times while singing. People then stay up all night long and have a masa (dinner party) at 4am the next morning. I didn't stay up all night but still had to get up the next morning to eat!

This is Scott's host grandfather ringing the church bells. He was so, so honored that someone was taking his picture.

Scott's host family at Larissa's mother's grave on Easter morning. They lay food on the graves and sit and eat the cemetery while they wait for the priest to go around and read the names of the deceased.

The whole community at the cemetery.
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