My new house! And I have it all to myself...Next door there is a house that looks exactly the same, where my new gazda lives. [see below]

And that's my new Baba. Doamna Agripina. I made her smile, Moldovans don't usually do that sort of thing in pictures. The bread and sweets she's sitting next to will be taken to the church today, for a day of mourning of the death of loved ones. They bring food and have a big masa [dinner party], and they believe they have to eat to fuel the soul of the dead person they are honoring.

This is Larissa again, can't ya tell I have a thing for her? She's the sweetest. She's in her cellar, surrounded by all the bottles of food they make for the winter. Moldovans spend their whole summers preparing these bottles since they don't have access to vegetables in winter. Larissa is
very proud of her cellar, she invites anyone who comes over to see it.
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